Why Tri-Motion Air Balancing Hoists Can Help!
Even though warehouses and factories are becoming more automated, manual material handling (MMH) is still useful, and even required in some applications. To reduce the possibility of injuries to workers from the repetitive movements required in manual material handling implies organizations must consider ergonomic intercessions. Two main considerations affect the need to enhance manual material handling strategies: the accessible pool of employees and market requests.
The workforce, on average, is becoming older. In 1972, the arithmetic mean age of U.S. laborers was 28 years of age, and today it is 46 years of age. The quantity of workers ages 45 and over has been multiplied by a factor of two since 1950. AARP says the number of workers who are 55 or older is anticipated to ascend to 25 million this year, and 32 million in the year 2025.
One might wonder why this is the case at this time. “People are living longer,” noted Jim Galante of Ergonomic Assist Systems & Equipment (EASE) Council and director for Southworth Products Corp, an MHI member. “In 2009, when the recession hit, it took a lot of people’s retirement plans and threw them out the window. Many people are working longer today because they can’t afford to retire.” Others choose to work, partially because of a social belief that individuals who remain dynamic will live longer and have more healthful lives.
Around 60 percent of all workers’ compensation claims for injuries resulting in lost time are related to manual material handling. Ergonomic material handling equipment such as air balancing hoists can drastically lessen the danger of injuries caused by repetitive movement and other injuries. “Employing these interventions is especially important, if not essential, for older and/or obese workers,” Galante said. “If we can put that worker into a position where he’s comfortable and doesn’t have to bend, reach, stoop and twist, he can be productive regardless of age or weight. This will make it less likely they will hurt themselves. Ergonomics is an absolute necessity.”
To read the full article from MHI Association…..
Here at Tri-Motion Industries, we have seen the increasing need for lift assist devices throughout manufacturing and industrial facilities both in the USA and abroad. As a leading air hoist manufacturer we take pride in the variety of air balancing hoists we offer to suit our customers various applications. For example we recently introduced a new PH20/4 with 500lb capacity adding to the already extensive line of air balancing hoists. Reducing workers compensation, employee injury and manufacturing down time is key! See how a Tri-Motion air balancing hoist can help you today call 813-884-6600.